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Drahí priatelia, je nám nesmiernou cťou, že Sangyum Kamala Rinpočhe prijala pozvanie a bude učiť v našom skromnom centre, ako jednom z troch miest v celej EÚ.
Sangjum Kamala Rinpočhe pochádza z neprerušenej línie Dharmy. Jej otcom bol Tulšuk Lingpa, tertön v línii Ňingma. Jej starý otcom bol Kječok Lingpa, žiak Dudžom Lingpu. Jej matka bola veľká prktikujúca a dákini. Keď zosnula vo veku 83 rokov, jej telo ostalo v meditácii následujúcich 7 dní a nad jej izbou sa objavila kruhová dúha.
Sangjum Kamala Rinpočhe jej žiačkou Dudžom Rinpočheho Džigdral Ješe Dordžeho, U neho sa stretla aj so svojim manželom, najväčším dzogčhenovým jogínom súčasnosti, Čatral Rinpočhem (1913-2015). Počas svojho života s Čatral Rinpočhem obdržiavala neustály prúd transmisií náuk Dharmy a praktikovala predovšetkým v rámci tradície dudžom tersar.
Sangjum Kamala Rinpočhe sme požiadali o náuky ohľadom prípravných praxí dudžom tersar a Tri Priestory, dzogčhenové náuky od Dudžom Rinpočheho. Avšak až do dneška sme nedostali uistenie ohľadom posledných, kedže Kamala je zaneprázdnená svojimi aktivitami v Indii a Nepále, takže čo všetko bude učiť bude tak trochu prekvapenie.
Prosím, majte na pamäti, že kapacita miest je limitovaná a ak sa neprihlásite včas, môže sa stať, že nebude miesto.
Miesto konania: Nangsel Ling Gompa, Borovianska 27, Zvolen
Kurzovné: 80€ (nazhŕňa dánu pre učiteľa a texty)
Prihlásenie: výhradne na email mato@dzogchen.sk. Prihlásenie bude považované za platné len po uhradení NEVRATNEJ zálohy 40€ (alebo plnej sumy) na číslo účtu, ktoré vám pošleme v odpovedi na mail s prihláškou.
Dear friends, its big honour for us,that Sangyum Kamala Rinpoche accpted our invitation to teach in our humble centre as one of the three places in EU.
Sangyum Kamala Rinpoche has uniterrupted Dharma lineage. Her father, Tulshuk Lingpa, was renowned as a tertön in the Nyingma lineage. Her father was also a student of Dudjom Rinpoche, and her grandfather was Kyechok Lingpa, a famous tertön and doctor from Golok, Serta, and was a student of Dudjom Lingpa. Her mother, Phunsok Choedon was a great practitioner and dakini who devoted her entire life to Dharma practice. When she passed away at age 83, her body remained in meditation for 7 days, and a circular rainbow appeared in the sky over her room.
Sagyum Kamala Rinpoche is student of Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje. There she met also her husband, greatest dzogchen yogi of our times, Chatral Rinpoche (1913-2015). During her entire life, especially the half century spent with Chatral Rinpoche, she has received an uninterrupted stream of Dharma teachings and transmissions, and has practised mainly in the Dudjom Tersar tradition.
We asked Rinpoche to teach dudjom tersar ngondro and Three Spaces, dzogchen teachings by Dudjom Rinpoche. However, till today we didnt recieved confirmation about the last, since Rinpoche is occupied so much by her activities in India and Nepal, so the real nature of the teachings will be also surprise litte bit.
Please, consider, that capacity of our gompa is limited, so if you dont apply in time, there is possibility of no more room later.
Place of retreat: Nangsel Ling Gompa, Borovianska 27, Zvolen, Slovakia
Fees: 80€ (dont include dana for teacher and texts)
Registration: only via email mato@dzogchen.sk Registration will be valid after paying of IRREVERSIBLE deposit of 40€ (or full tax). Payment details will be send as an answer of registration email to you.
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